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A concept to a product (Kimidori [ 黄緑]) - Part 1

It has been 3.5+ years since I have taken a career break due to aging parents. Soon after my career break Dad passed away and Mom was detected with third-stage of throat cancer. I became a full-time caretaker of my mom. During the peak phase of COVID-19, I was daily visiting the hospital for her chemo and radiotherapy. The hospital wasn't willing to admit the patient due to COVID-19 fear. However, I continued my service in the hope that one day she will recover but after almost two years of battle I lost her. Life is seemingly strange to me. I was under the illusion that I can cure my mom. But divinity had a different plan. Her demise put me on a different level of thought process. I felt strongly nothing is really permanent in this material world. My mom told me that just before her demise, she possibly realized that her time is short and asked me to let her go as she was not able to take any more pain. She told me that 'sometimes losing somewhere, marks the beginning of winning a game somewhere else'. She passed away and I tried to get back to a job. Surprisingly, I was not getting calls due to a long career break. A few places (mostly mid-sized organizations) had cracked interviews but salary and market conditions post covid didn't make it fruitful. So, I gave up searching for a job in India and moved to the middle east. 

In the middle east, I met a wonderful person, she was a doctorate in computer science, and had a couple of months of interaction with her on the security aspect of the software. During our brainstorming, I started on a concept that led to a product (Kimidori [ 黄緑]) development. The development work is going on and I have started it as a tool for malicious URL detection but now it has grown in a few verticals to analyze a system and generate reports of various issues/parameters with the host environment, including securely hiding information in the host system. Currently, the target platform is Windows 10 and above. This is truly my baby.

The initial Screen looks like the below: 

After a URL Scan:


In 2nd Part will show a few more capabilities of this tool as well as new features getting added. (To be continued...)


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